  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

An event received by Brigade that resulted in triggering an event handler.


  • Event



id: string

A unique identifier for the event.

labels?: {}

Supplementary Event details.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string
longTitle?: string

A detailed title for the event.

payload?: string

The content of the event. This is source- and type-specific.

project: Project

The project that registered the handler being called for the event.

qualifiers?: {}

Event's type disambiguators.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string
shortTitle?: string

A short title for the event, suitable for display in space-limited UI such as lists.

source: string

The unique identifier of the gateway which created the event.

type: string

The type of event. Values and meanings are source-specific.

worker: Worker

The Brigade worker assigned to handle the event.

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